Harry Dolan graduated from Colgate University, where he majored in philosophy and studied fiction-writing with the novelist Frederick Busch. He earned a master's degree in philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and worked for several years as a freelance editor. He grew up in Rome, New York, and now lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with his partner Linda Randolph.
Genres: Mystery
Harry Dolan recommends

The Mailman (2025)
Andrew Welsh-Huggins
"The Mailman is a top-notch thriller that opens strong and fast with a home invasion and kidnapping and never relents until the very last page. Andrew Welsh-Huggins creates an eccentric, resourceful, single-minded protagonist--Mercury Carter--surrounds him with a rich cast of allies and adversaries, and propels them all on a cat-and-mouse chase filled with expertly drawn action and stunning reversals. This is a book you won't want to miss."
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