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337 books added

Paolo Bacigalupi

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Paolo Bacigalupi's writing has appeared in High Country News,, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. It has been anthologized in various "Year's Best" collections of short science fiction and fantasy, been nominated for the Nebula and Hugo awards, and has won the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award for best sf short story of the year

Awards: WFA (2019), Printz (2011), Campbell (2010), Hugo (2010)  see all

Genres: Young Adult Fantasy, Fantasy, Literary Fiction
Ship Breaker
   1. Ship Breaker (2010)
   2. The Drowned Cities (2012)
   3. Tool of War (2017)
   The Windup Girl (2009)
   The Water Knife (2012)
   Zombie Baseball Beatdown (2013)
   The Doubt Factory (2014)
   The Tangled Lands (2018) (with Tobias S Buckell)
   Navola (2024)
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Fluted Girl (2006)
   The Alchemist (2011)
   The People of Sand and Slag (2015)
   The Gambler (2016)
Books containing stories by Paolo Bacigalupi
Without Brakes (2024)
edited by
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
No More Fairy Tales (2022)
Stories to Save our Planet
edited by
D A Baden
Grimdark Magazine Issue #32 (2022)
(Grimdark Magazine, book 32)

More books 

2019 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection : The Tangled Lands
2011 Michael L. Printz Award : Ship Breaker
2011 Locus Award for Best Young Adult Novel : Ship Breaker
2010 Locus Award for Best First Novel : The Windup Girl
2010 John W. Campbell Memorial Award : The Windup Girl
2010 Hugo Award for Best Novel : The Windup Girl
2009 Nebula Award for Best Novel : The Windup Girl
2009 Locus Award for Best Collection : Pump Six and Other Stories
2006 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award : The Calorie Man

Award nominations
2019 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Tangled Lands
2018 Locus Award for Best Young Adult Novel (nominee) : Tool of War
2016 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : The Water Knife
2016 John W. Campbell Memorial Award (nominee) : The Water Knife
2015 Locus Award for Best Young Adult Novel (nominee) : The Doubt Factory
2015 Edgar Award for Best Young Adult Novel (nominee) : The Doubt Factory
2014 Locus Award for Best Young Adult Novel (nominee) : Zombie Baseball Beatdown
2013 Locus Award for Best Young Adult Novel (nominee) : The Drowned Cities
2012 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Young Adult Novel (nominee) : The Drowned Cities
2011 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Alchemist
2011 Andre Norton Award (nominee) : Ship Breaker
2010 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Gambler
2010 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : The Windup Girl
2010 BSFA Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Windup Girl
2009 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : The Gambler
2009 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Gambler
2007 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Yellow Card Man
2007 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Yellow Card Man
2006 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The People of Sand and Slag
2006 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Calorie Man
2005 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The People of Sand and Slag
2004 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : The Fluted Girl

Paolo Bacigalupi recommends
The Mercy of Gods (2024)
(Captive's War, book 1)
James S A Corey
"All the things you want in an alien invasion novel: overwhelming aliens, end-of-world terror, and plucky humans who never stop fighting. If that was all there was, The Mercy of Gods would be great, but amid the mayhem James S. A. Corey also manages to weave in a closely observed study of the small things that make us human: our loves and jealousies, our foibles and weaknesses, our empathy and our resilience. A bang-up read. I want more."
Dust & Grim (2021)
Chuck Wendig
"Sucks you in with a wise-cracking zaniness that soon spirals into a delightful rampaging chaos of swarming vampires, thorny wolves, walking trees, and eldritch horrors. And yet even as the dangers for Molly and Dustin increase and the wise-cracks keep flying, the importance of family both lost and found grounds their story with a profound sense of heart."

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