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915 books added

Susan Meissner

USA flag (b.1961)

Susan Meissner was born on January 9, 1961, in San Diego, California, and was the second of three daughters born to Bill and Judy Horning. she spent her childhood in just two houses; the first in San Diego itself, and the second in a suburb of San Diego called Poway.

Genres: Inspirational, Historical, Mystery, Literary Fiction, Children's Fiction, General Fiction
New and upcoming books
September 2024

To Mimi's House We Go
March 2025

A Map to Paradise
Rachael Flynn
   1. Widows & Orphans (2006)
   2. Sticks & Stones (2007)
   3. Days & Hours (2007)
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Susan Meissner recommends
The Flower Sisters (2024)
Michelle Collins Anderson
"A vivid blend of sensorial writing, historical detail, and memorable characters await on the pages of The Flower Sisters. Poignant, compelling, and surprising, here is an insightful story of the weight of long-held secrets and the resulting hunger for truth."
All We Were Promised (2024)
Ashton Lattimore
"This truly impressive debut is a moving story of the heart's cry for independence, regard, and honor, deftly told."
A Wild and Heavenly Place (2024)
Robin Oliveira
"Vividly captures both the wonder and the struggle of forging a life in a world full of unknowns."

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