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Brian Aldiss

(Brian Wilson Aldiss)
UK flag (1925 - 2017)

Pseudonyms: Jael Cracken, Peter Pica, John Runciman, C.C. Shackleton, Arch Mendicant, & "Doc" Peristyle.

Brian Wilson Aldiss was one of the most important voices in science fiction. He wrote his first novel while working as a bookseller in Oxford. Shortly afterwards he wrote his first work of science fiction and soon gained international recognition. Adored for his innovative literary techniques, evocative plots and irresistible characters, he became a Grand Master of Science Fiction in 1999.

Awards: Nebula (2000), BSFA (1985), Campbell (1983), Hugo (1962)  see all

Genres: Science Fiction, Literary Fiction, Fantasy
   Starswarm (1954)
   The Brightfount Diaries (1955)
   Non-Stop (1958)
     aka Starship
   No Time Like Tomorrow (1959)
   Vanguard from Alpha (1959)
   Interpreter (1960)
     aka Bow Down to Nul
   Hothouse (1961)
     aka The Long Afternoon of Earth
   The Male Response (1961)
   The Primal Urge (1961)
   The Dark Light Years (1964)
   Greybeard (1964)
   Earthworks (1965)
   Cryptozoic! (1967)
     aka An Age
   Report on Probability A (1968)
   Barefoot in the Head (1969)
   Neanderthal Planet (1969)
   Frankenstein Unbound (1973)
   The Eighty-minute Hour (1974)
   The Malacia Tapestry (1976)
   Enemies of the System (1978)
   Moreau's Other Island (1980)
   An Island Called Moreau (1981)
   Ruins (1986)
   Tales from the Planet Earth (1986) (with others)
   Cracken at Critical (1987)
     aka The Year before Yesterday
   Sex and the Black Machine (1988)
   Dracula Unbound (1991)
   White Mars (1999) (with Roger Penrose)
     aka The Mind Set Free: A 21st-Century Utopia
   Cretan Teat (2001)
   Super-State (2002)
   Affairs at Hampden Ferrers (2004)
   Jocasta (2004)
   Sanity and the Lady (2005)
   HARM (2007)
   Walcot (2009)
   Finches of Mars (2012)
   Comfort Zone (2013)
   Space, Time and Nathaniel (1957)
   But Who Can Replace Man? (1958)
   Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (1959)
     aka The Canopy of Time
   The Airs of Earth (1963)
   Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1965)
   The Saliva Tree (1966)
   Who Can Replace a Man? (1966)
   The Inner Landscape (1969) (with J G Ballard and Mervyn Peake)
   Intangibles Inc. (1969)
   The Moment of Eclipse (1970)
   Comic Inferno (1972)
     aka The Book of Brian Aldiss
   Equator (1973)
   Brothers of the Head (1977)
   Last Orders (1977)
   New Arrivals, Old Encounters (1979)
   Pile (poems) (1979)
   Foreign bodies (1981)
   Farewell to a Child (poems) (1983)
   Seasons in Flight (1984)
   A Tupolev Too Far (1986)
   The Magic of the Past (1987)
   Best SF Stories of Brian W Aldiss (1988)
   Science Fiction Blues (1988)
   Man in His Time (1989)
   At the Caligula Hotel (poems) (1995)
   The Secret of This Book (1995)
     aka Common Clay
   Supertoys Last All Summer Long (2001)
   The Dark Sun Rises (2002)
   Cultural Breaks (2005)
   A Prehistory of Mind (poems) (2008)
   Mortal Morning (poems) (2011)
   Lemistry (2011) (with others)
   50 x 50: The mini-sagas (2012)
   The Invention of Happiness (2013)
   Supertoys Trilogy (2014)
   Songs from the Steppes (poems) (2014)
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Novellas and Short Stories
Anthologies edited
Anthology series
Best SF (with Harry Harrison)
   1. Best SF : 1967 (1968)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 1
   2. Best SF: 1968 (1969)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 2
   3. Best SF: 1969 (1969)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 3
   4. Best SF: 1970 (1971)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 4
   5. Best SF: 1971 (1972)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 5
   6. Best SF: 1972 (1973)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 6
   7. Best SF: 1973 (1974)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 7
   8. Best SF: 1974 (1975)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 8
   9. Best SF: 1975 (1976)
     aka The Year's Best Science Fiction 9
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Decade (with Harry Harrison)
   1. Decade the 1940's (1975)
   2. Decade the 1950's (1976)
   3. Decade the 1960's (1977)
Series contributed to
Books containing stories by Brian Aldiss
Sense of Wonder (2023)
A Century of Science Fiction
edited by
Leigh Ronald Grossman
This Way to the End Times (2016)
Classic Tales of the Apocalypse
edited by
Robert Silverberg
Perchance to Wake (2016)
Yet More Selected Stories from Science Fantasy
(Science Fantasy Collection, book 3)
edited by
John Boston and Damien Broderick

More books 

2000 Grand Master Award
1985 BSFA Award for Best Novel : Helliconia Winter
1983 John W. Campbell Memorial Award : Helliconia Spring
1982 BSFA Award for Best Novel : Helliconia Spring
1971 BSFA Award for Best Novel : The Moment of Eclipse
1966 Nebula Award for Best Novella : The Saliva Tree [short story]
1962 Hugo Award for Best Short Story : Hothouse [short story]

Award nominations
2008 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : HARM
2008 John W. Campbell Memorial Award (nominee) : HARM
2006 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Cultural Breaks
1996 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Secret of This Book
1995 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The God Who Slept with Women
1995 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Madonna of Futurity
1994 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : A Tupolev Too Far
1989 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss
1986 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : Helliconia Winter
1985 Nebula Award for Best Novel (nominee) : Helliconia Winter
1985 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Seasons in Flight
1984 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : Helliconia Summer
1983 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : Helliconia Spring
1983 BSFA Award for Best Novel (nominee) : Helliconia Summer
1982 Nebula Award for Best Novel (nominee) : Helliconia Spring
1979 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Chinese Perspective
1979 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Enemies of the System [short story]
1969 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Total Environment
1969 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Total Environment
1967 Nebula Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Man in His Time [short story]
1967 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Man in His Time [short story]

Brian Aldiss recommends
The Master of Time (2017)
(Roads to Moscow, book 3)
David Wingrove
Godshome (1998)
Robert Sheckley
"A famous and skilled exponent of science fiction."
How to Write Science Fiction (1993)
Bob Shaw
"Full of are going to love this book."

More recommendations 

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